Sustainable PFAS Action Network Submits Comments to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection

May 19, 2023 


WASHINGTON -Today, the Sustainable PFAS Action Network (SPAN) submitted comments to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regarding the proposed Chapter 90 PFAS-containing products regulations. In the letter, SPAN makes policy recommendations that take into account the important contributions PFAS compounds provide in multiple critical industries that would impact Maine and requested clarity on policy solutions outlined in the proposed rules.

“SPAN is hopeful that additional improvements will be made to Maine’s proposed PFAS management policies, which in their current form pose severe implementation challenges,” said Kevin Fay, Executive Director of SPAN.  “If the Proposed Chapter 90 regulations are implemented without changes, they will impose unnecessary and burdensome requirements on businesses and state personnel that will do little to expand on current protections of human health and environment. SPAN supports efforts by DEP and the legislature to further examine these critical issues and how they impact the Maine economy and environment, and we look forward to continuing our participation in the dialogue.”

 The full letter, which provides in-depth comments on the timing of final regulations, information reporting, rule scope, the need for reasonable exemptions and appropriate definitions, and more, is available by clicking here.


Formed in 2021, SPAN members recognize that America’s innovators and industries depend on the responsible management of PFAS compounds. The organization supports science- and risk-based policy approaches that recognize the unique differences of these compounds. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has identified more than 10,000 materials that are likely to meet the broadest definition of PFAS. However, the number of compounds currently commercially manufactured or used in the United States today is closer to 700. Recognizing the essential role of PFAS compounds in enabling economic prosperity, delivering lifesaving equipment and medicine, climate change mitigation, and national security, among many other important applications, SPAN is committed to their sustainable use and responsible management.

More information about SPAN and industries they support is available by visiting



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SPAN Executive Director Says States Moving Toward Risk Based Approach to PFAS Regulation


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